Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Setting 38 - 'End of the road'

From @dbijal:

I found the way to reach my destination. As I took first step towards it, a detour sign greeted me.

With such difficulty I found this way and now I am lost again. Tricky routes make journey interesting and such was this way.

Now I am left with the tried and tested path. End of road is immediate just with no excitement.

With this, I pop sleeping pills to end my life.

From @crazyandhow:

The ambitious brow frowned for a moment before a thread of truth dawned. The madness, triumph and glory all whirled vulnerable in a storm and echoed with the Monk's words "Joy lies in the journey".

The Great General Theodeaus forgot this was the destination he had longed for and walked with peace in his heart on the new road that lay ahead.

From @ Samiksha Adukia:

Isn’t too much ‘safety’ risky?
It camouflages our laziness to think hard, think original.It is too loud to let us hear our Calling.So we opt for the crowded road, because it makes us feel 'safe'; we don’t even check where it goes.And without the map, we don’t see the end coming. SNAP! Don’t get stuck.
Sometimes, the road less travelled is better than a U-Turn at the end of the crowded road.

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