Sunday, June 17, 2012

Setting 12 - #Kiss

From @Shraddha_G:

He was weak & fragile by now as I saw him through the ICU glass window.

Doctors gave me a prep talk as he had only few minutes in this world.

Our daughter was standing at the corner praying for him.

Lying on the bed was a man who was my childhood love.

As I went near, he kissed me & said “I’m kissing my life goodbye”

He smiled & closed his eyes forever.

From @dbijal:

His hands were open to hug her. All he wanted was that she should walk in his arms. Waiting patiently, his eyes filled with tears of joy.
She took a step at time. Unsure but still trying.
Five steps and she stumbled. He rushed to her rescue. After he held her, she placed a small peck on his cheek and said "Thanks to you, I can walk again. I love you Dad."

From @NidhiGarimaGoyal:

Was she drowning? The pressure suffocated her. She clawed and kicked.
But the wind, the water, the force kept her pinned in place. The mouth
withdrew, and the roughened hand slapped her hard. ‘stop resisting you
fool! Your crippled frame is too damaged for any man. Be grateful
instead,’ said her brother-in-law. The strength to fight wooshed out
of her. The untrue words had been repeated often. And this was just
one time too much!

From @crazyanhow:

She looked at him with some sorrow. They weren't dating, but were best friends once. Something messed up between them. He had too many expectations and she never looked at him in any other way. He sounded sure, he did not want to be seeing her again. The coffee on the beautiful evening was his sudden goodbye. This is where they change paths, go their different ways. Unsure, whether it was good or bad. It was too late to matter any more. Aparna kissed him goodbye; their first kiss.

From @SamikshaAdukia:

They will be dead. Vicky and his 8 friends had mistakenly harassed the leather class- the biker’s girl., For Sunny, 80 miles/hour was not about distance. With Sonia sitting behind him, the pistol in his pocket and his targets clear- it was about attitude. Almost reached. Impulsively, Sonia moved forward to face him. She was disturbingly good looking. Nevertheless, Sunny rode like there’s no tomorrow. And there wasn’t one., A kiss in time saved nine.
posted from Bloggeroid

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